Our Two Shekels

April 3, 2024: Kira Finkenberg

Today was a very emotional day, one I knew from the moment I saw the itinerary would be hard. We were meeting with Lishay Miran, wife of Omri Miran who is still, 180 days later, held in captivity in Gaza. Lishay herself and her children were in the hands of Hamas for hours on October 7. We w…

April 2, 2024: Rabbi Ron Shulman

I approached Hostage Square in Tel Aviv slowly. After months of seeing it in pictures, on Tuesday it was my turn to stand in front of the board counting 178 days, 07 hours, 45 minutes, and 37 seconds of captivity for the 134 Israeli hostages held in Gaza. I walked around the square feeling a…

April 2, 2024: Zvi Weiss

Those of you who know me well know that I have a complicated relationship with the notion of God. One might say that my identity as a Jew is rooted more in Jewish peoplehood than religion. Today, I had the most spiritual experience I have had in years when I encountered Dr. Shai Efrati, the …

April 2, 2024: David Bark

Today was another full day of listening and learning, as well as sharing many emotional moments with our Sha’ar HaNegev family. 

The more time we spend together, the more we realize how much we have in common and how much we need each other. It is so clear to everyone on this Mission tha…

April 1, 2024: Zvi Weiss

I just completed my first day of a Jewish Federation-sponsored Solidarity Mission to Israel and I am thoroughly exhausted. My body is telling me to go to sleep, but I know that if I don’t write something tonight I’ll never be able to catch up. Tomorrow’s itinerary and the following day…