Our Two Shekels

A Community Is Only as Strong as Its Leaders


Last week, at Friday night services, I had the great joy of watching dozens of second graders singing Hinei Ma Tov and Oseh Shalom while their parents and grandparents practically jumped out of their seats to get a better view. It was a truly joyful (and utterly chaotic) scene; th…

A Sweet Shana Tovah

Dear Federation Family,

In a retreat with our deeply thoughtful Women’s Philanthropy Board this week, we dug into the powerful question G-d asks of Adam and Eve, ayekah -where are you? Much has been written of this question and what it really entails. Every year, during the month of Elu…

Why I’ve Made a Legacy Commitment

Last week, I participated in the virtual national Life & Legacy conference. For those who may not be familiar with the Life & Legacy program, it was launched right here in San Diego by Gail Littman (of blessed memory) and Marjory Kaplan, former CEO of the San Diego Jewish Community Foundatio…

Welcome Heidi Gantwerk

Dear Federation Family,

Last week, Federation President & CEO Michael Jeser made the difficult decision to step back from active involvement in the day-to-day business. As of today, Michael will take a leave of absence to focus on his health and family.

The mission of Federation is deeply…

I Stand With Israel


We hope you had a meaningful Shavuot, the holiday commemorating our receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai, a defining event for the Jewish people. Sadly, Shavuot this year followed a challenging time for our community. First, our CEO Michael Jeser delivered the difficult news that …