Jewish Community News

News from across San Diego's Jewish Community

☀ How is Solar Saving Us Shekels? ☀

Federation is excited to be leading the way in green energy by upgrading San Diego’s Jewish Community Building, which houses not only Federation, but many partner Jewish nonprofits, to solar powered system that will greatly reduce the buildings impact the on environment.

In the Torah, t…

Update From the Jewish Agency for Israel

Your generosity funds the important work of our longstanding partner the Jewish Agency for Israel. Below is an update from the agency on their programs and recent accomplishments. Thank you for all that you do.

Video: 350 Teens Take Action

JSERVE is a part of Federation's Jewish Teen Initiative, which aims to build community by engaging San Diego's teens. When you support Federation, you are supporting community-building projects like this that help engage Jewish teens.

By Darren Schwartz, Director, Jewish Teen Service Ins…