Jewish Community News

News from across San Diego's Jewish Community

Natan Sharansky on the Kotel Compromise

By Natan Sharansky, Chairman of the executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel, was a founding member of the Moscow Helsinki Group and spent nine years in the Gulag for his human rights activities.

Every few years, a controversy erupts in Israel that strikes at the heart of what it means t…

Holocaust Survivors On Raising A Family

Rose and Max Schindler have told their story to thousands of people. How as teenage Jews in Eastern Europe, they were swept up by the Nazis and held prisoner in concentration and labor camps.

Listen to their story at KPBS.

Heather Wolfson Named Chief Program Officer

With great pleasure, Michael Sonduck, Federation President and CEO, announced the promotion of Heather Wolfson to Chief Program Officer of the Jewish Federation of San Diego County, effective immediately.

Heather joined Federation in 2013 as the 2030 Project (precursor of NextGen) progr…

Science in the Summer with World ORT

When you support Federation you help us fund partner organizations such as World ORT. Your support makes stories like this possible and helps inspire future generations. Thank you for all that you do.

Summertime. It’s when, according to the song at least, the living is easy. But for 20…