Jewish Community News

News from across San Diego's Jewish Community

Hundreds Gather to Remember the Holocaust

On Sunday April 23, Federation hosted its annual Yom HaShoah commemoration at the JCC, inviting the San Diego community to gather in remembrance and reflection, and vowing to never forget the horrors of the Holocaust.

The theme for the event was Memory and Morality: Confronting Indifferen…

Approval of the Beverly and Joseph Glickman Hillel Center!

Moments ago, the San Diego Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the Beverly and Joseph Glickman Hillel Center!

This marks a crucial step in realizing our two-decade long dream of building a Hillel facility in La Jolla. Soon, we will head to the City Council to request final …

My Israel Journey | Giana Gurrera

Through your generosity, Federation sends hundreds of young adults annually to experience our Jewish world firsthand. Here is Giana's story from her recent trip with March of the Living.

Auschwitz. I know this word from pictures, videos, and the literary documentation of the events that…

Music from Hell: ORT Compiles Music from the Shoah

Clive Marks was distraught. A lecturer on music in the Third Reich and patron of the arts in England, he found he couldn’t write about music of the era without knowing more about the history of that time.

Some told him it was all history and he should let it go, but he couldn’t, not w…