83% of teachers strongly agree that Student to Student presentations
break down stereotypes and effectively engage their students.
94% of teachers report that students continue to discuss what they learned from Student to Student presentations in their classrooms afterward.
84% of students report that they have shared what they learned or have taken another step to learn more about Judaism. 27% say that they have interrupted an antisemitic comment.
78% of teachers believe that Student to Student presentations helped to counter antisemitism in their schools.
Originally created by Be the Narrative, a national nonprofit organization, STS has been operating for over 30 years and has been validated through independent research to change the lives of both Jewish and non-Jewish teens. By building bridges of understanding and appreciation between faiths, STS aims to disrupt patterns of ignorance and hatred that lead to antisemitism.
“They were phenomenal! The students were so relatable, so passionate, they were confident, and they had such clever approaches to engaging students. I really appreciated how they first taught about Judaism, and then addressed the Holocaust and anti-Semitism after teaching about their culture. It prioritizes that Judaism is a rich culture existing today, and not, as was stated, something to simply see through the eyes of the Holocaust or history books.”
- Student to Student Participating Teacher
“Overall, I think this is an excellent program that can do more for tolerance and understanding than any curriculum I could potentially teach.”
- Student to Student Participating Teacher
“It is through programs such as this that our communities learn to understand each other so that we can live in mutual respect and peace.”
– Student to Student Participating Teacher
“I always leave presentations with an incredible sense of accomplishment, realizing that through this program, I really could change some of the problems in the world today.”
– Student to Student Presenter
Jewish students attending private and public schools in San Diego County who will be in grades 9th – 12th grade during the 2024-2025 school year are eligible to apply. Students do not have to be affiliated with a Jewish organization, congregation or denomination.
This program makes a big impact with a minimal time commitment from student participants. Students will meet for a one-day orientation session in December, in addition to occasional educational gatherings. Students can expect to leave school to present at least 1-2 times a semester. All time spent on the Student To Student program qualifies for community service hours.
Our initial year will consist of a cohort of 12-16 students, representing a diversity of religious denominations and affiliations.
Each presentation is given by a group of three or four students, ideally representing the different branches of Judaism.
STS participants make presentations in public and private middle and high schools in classes that focus on world history, literature classes, ethnic studies, ancient civilizations, human geography, and comparative religions; to name a few.
Presenters discuss a range of topics, including any or all of the following:
Groups bring a variety of “props” into the classroom that help make their presentations come alive for their peers, including challah, a shofar, Shabbat candlesticks, personal pieces of Judaica and more. The group encourages their fellow students to ask questions. The subsequent discussions are a vital element of the program.
Materials will be provided and support given to help the students prepare. Because so much of these presentations reflect students’ personal experiences, they will come into the program with much of the expertise they need to give effective presentations. You will practice as a group to ensure you feel confident in your presentation skills and material you are presenting about.
We expect all students to give a minimum of 1-2 site visit presentations per a semester.
Presentations take place during the school day. Students are provided with letters for their school to excuse their absence. If a student is unable to drive or get a ride to the presentation, we can help to coordinate rides to and from the presentations.