The Jewish Citizen: Jewish Teachings on American Political Issues and the 2016 Campaign
Saturday, June 11, 2016
San Diego Jewish Academy
11860 Carmel Creek Road
7:00pm - Services
7:30pm - Rabbis from each of these organizations will teach during this evening of conversation, study, song, and prayers.
10:00pm - Traditional dairy refreshments will be served.
Join the Rabbis of congregations Beth El, Beth Israel, Dor Hadash, Hillel of San Diego,Ner Tamid, Temple Etz Rimon, Temple Solel, and San Diego Jewish Academy in study,reflection, and conversation about the Jewish teachings on American political issues and their relevance and importance to the past and in the current 2016 campaign.
Sponsored by the San Diego Rabbinical Association
No Cost or RSVP required