
15 2015

The Book of Job After the Shoah

5:00PM - 7:00PM  

UCSD Faculty Club
Directions at: http://facclub.ucsd.edu/mod_AboutUs/Directions.aspx. Parking available at UCSD Faculty Club parking lot. Go inside to obtain parking pass.
La Jolla, CA 92093
(858) 534-0876

Contact Tam Nguyen

The UCSD Judaic Studies Program presents: Guest Lecturer Choon-Leong Seow, Princeton Theological Seminary

Description: It should come as no surprise that the book of Job, which tells the story of the suffering of an innocent man, is one that Jews read afresh in the light of the Shoah. This lecture explores the variety of responses in the wake of that event, as seen in the writings of Elie Wiesel, Martin Buber, Margarete Sussmann, Andre Neher, Joseph Soloveitchik, Ernst Bloch, Richard Rubebstein, Abraham Heschel, and others.

Lecture followed by catered reception. Please RSVP on event page at: http://judaicstudies.ucsd.edu/events/2014-15/the_book_of_job_after_the_shoah.html

Sponsor: UCSD Judaic Studies Program