
18 2016

Suzie's Farm Tour

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

Suzie's Farm 2570 Sunset Ave
San Diego, CA 92154


Contact Elana Kobernick

$ Cost $ 0.00

Get into the Tu B’shvat Spirit. Join Chai at Suzie’s Farm for a tour of their fields. Chai @ Beth El will cover the cost of the tour for each person. If you are interested, you can bring a bag and fill it with produce you pick for only $10. Check out Suzie’s Farm website for more details.

Event is FREE but please RSVP.

All you need to bring is yourself and, if you are interested, $10 and a bag to collect produce in.

If you have any questions, please contact Elana Kobernick, Chai Program Coordinator.

Chai @ Beth El provides spiritual, educational, and cultural programming for adults in their 20s and 30s.

Sponsor: Chai @ Beth El