Contact: Gerry Williams, Co-Organizer, SpaceUp San Diego V
2323 Broadway, Studio 106, San Diego, CA 92102
SPACEUP SAN DIEGO V SPACE EXPLORATION UNCONFERENCE SET FOR JANUARY 30, 2016, “SpaceUp San Diego V” to be held at San Diego State University, San Diego, CA – All Systems are GO for SpaceUp San Diego V, the public unconference devoted to space exploration and development. Join industry professionals, ardent outer-space enthusiasts, and spaceflight advocates on Saturday, January 30 from 9:00am to 6:00pm, at San Diego State University’s Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA.
The unconference format, innovated by SpaceUp San Diego and popularized in the tech community via events such as BarCamp and FooCamp, offers a unique forum where participants choose the topics, the schedule, even the structure of the event. Everyone who attends the unconference is encouraged to give a talk, moderate a panel or start a discussion. Topics may range from:
• The latest events in both government and private space launches
• Suborbital and orbital spacesuit design
• Mars expedition and research simulation efforts
• Business and technology innovation in New Space
There have been four previous SpaceUp unconferences held in San Diego, and SpaceUp has spread worldwide.
“We originated the SpaceUp concept in 2010 here in San Diego, and the space community worldwide enthusiastically responded,” says Jesse Clark, SpaceUp San Diego V unconference organizer. “We’ve already received media sponsorship from TMRO, community sponsorship from SpaceX, XCOR Aerospace, and, of course, SDSU student organizations like the SDSU Rocket Project, HiTech EdVentures, and the Schwartz Astronomical Society. It’s the perfect venue, with ideal partners, for this out-of-this-world event.”
This year’s participants include entrepreneurs, engineers, educators and scientists from SpaceX, XCOR Aerospace, Masten Space Systems, Deep Space Industries, UCSD Triton Rocket Club, San Diego Space Network, and The Mars Society-San Diego.
Attendance is capped at 140 people to ensure meaningful interaction among all participants. Registration is $35 per person and $15 for students, with details and sponsorships available at:
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Gerry Williams
619/RAD-FILM 619/723-3456
Co-Organizer, SpaceUP San Diego V
San Diego Space Network
San Diego Space Meetup Group
The Mars Society-San Diego at the
Sponsor: San Diego Space Network, The Mars Society-San Diego, SDSU Rocket Project, HiTech EdVentures, Schwartz Astronomy Society