
20 2015

Shabbat--Honor Father and Mother

10:30AM - 12:30PM  

Encinitas Community Center 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive,
Encinitas, CA 92024
858-549-3088 president.kahalam@gmail.com

Contact Gary Zarnow

The bond between parents and children is a fundamental human structure laden with emotion and complexity. Jewish culture addresses this interaction in many ways--through humor, midrash, examples of ancestral families, and halakah (laws). Madrikha Beverly Zarnow will use these sources for her June 20 Shabbat program to discuss the Jewish approach to some essential questions about familial relationships. We will look at the obligations of children to parents and duties of parents for children as suggested by our ancestors and rabbis and explore the challenges presented by our secular world.

Sponsor: Kahal Am, The Humanistic Jewish Community of San Diego