
1 2015

San Diego Jewish Academy and Friendship Circle SD Celebrate Purim!

2:00PM - 4:00PM  

San Diego Jewish Academy 11860 Carmel Creek Road
(Playground area near soccer fields)
San Diego, CA 92130
760-807-4997 day of event

Contact Monica Kohan
Day of event call 760-807-4997 for assistance

On Sunday, March 1st from 2-4pm SDJA will be hosting Friendship Circle families, friends and volunteers for a Purim party. Everyone is invited and admission is Free if you wear a costume. $10 donation with no costume.

Children and Adults with disabilities will be paired with Peer Volunteers as all enjoy creating their own Mishloach Manot (Purim Baskets) complete with delicious foods and fun toys, making Hamantaschen (jelly/chocolate filled Purim cookies), designing re-usable groggers for our special Megillah reading, decorating masquerade masks, along with clowns, balloon fun, face painting, costume parade and more! Friendship Circle is grateful for this opportunity to continue their partnership with SDJA and welcomes you to join us for this fun for all Purim event! Please RSVP to or call the Friendship Circle office 858-487-4879 for more information.