
12 2019

Polish Shabbat

7:00PM - 10:00PM  

In Royter's Kitchen 9265 Activity Road
San Diego, CA 92126
(858) 549-9700 inroyterskitchen@gmail.com

Contact Jana Mazurkiewicz Meisarosh

Do you miss traditional Polish Jewish food? Do you want to feel heimish once again? Would you like to learn about Polish Yiddish from a heritage speaker? The Yiddish Arts and Academics Association of North America is excited to invite you to a Polish Yiddish Shabbat potluck with our guest speaker, UCSD Professor of Linguistics Marc Gallerek.

Please invite your mishpokhe and khaverim! Polish, Jewish, non-Polish and non-Jewish participants of all ages are welcome!
This is a potluck, please bring a Polish/Jewish dish to share! Plenty of parking will be available at the venue.

To RSVP or ask questions please e-mail info@yaaana.com or call 619-719-1776.

Sponsor: Yiddish Arts and Academics Association of North America