Shabbat Connections is back with a summer kick-off potluck! Join us for a Shabbat lunch on Saturday, July 18th in the home of one of our community members. Expect an afternoon of mingling with new and old connections, playing board games, and delicious food.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED (FB reply does not guarantee attendance):http://
Please bring a PAREVE/DAIRY dish (and serving utensils) according to your LAST name (see below) - however, if you want to bring something else, just let us know!
There are tables and a grass area if you want to picnic, so please bring blankets and board games (ones that do not require writing or electronics). Location will be sent upon RSVP a few days ahead.
Food assignments are based on your LAST name. Please make sure your food is pareve/dairy.
A-E Side Dish
F-M Salad
N-R Drinks
S-Z Dessert
Family-friendly event
Please email shabbatconnections@gmail.c
Sponsor: Jewish Federation's NextGen