
19 2020

NefeshB'Nefesh Web:Communities in Israel:Jerusalem:Retirees & Empty Nesters

8:00AM - 10:00AM  

Online / Zoom

Contact Nefesh B'Nefesh

Join NBN and representatives from the Olim Department of the City of Jerusalem to learn more about life in Jerusalem for Retirees and Empty Nesters. You may be familiar with Jerusalem from vacations and visits with friends or family, but living here is so much more!

Topics will include:
- Neighborhoods
- Special Services
- Volunteer Opportunities

To register and see the full calendar visit: www.nbn.org.il/events

For more information about Aliyah and Nefesh B’Nefesh, please go to www.nbn.org.il, call 1-866-425-4924 or even send a WhatsApp message to 551-800-5414.