
8 2016

Mechiah: Jewish Classical Music to Soothe the Soul

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Temple Solel
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/grossmont-symphony-orchestra-and-master-chorale-present-mechiah-jewish-classical-music-to-soothe-tickets-27637318965 3575 Manchester Ave
Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007

Contact Judy Bricker

The 2016-2017 performance season of the Grossmont Symphony Orchestra & Master Chorale, under the
musical direction of Randall Tweed, continues with a unique cultural project presenting musical works
by master composers from the Jewish tradition. Mechiah – Jewish Classical Music to Sooth the Soul
presents varied music from choral to orchestral spanning four centuries of musical composition.

J. Williams “Three Movements” from the motion picture Schindler’s List (multimedia)
Salamone Rossi Haleluya, Haleli Nafshi and Adon Olam (performed in Hebrew)
Bloch – Suite Modale for Flute and Strings
Castelnuovo-Tedesco - Cantata Naomi and Ruth
Mahler Totenfeier (Funeral Rites)