Join us at Modern Times Beer in Point Loma to celebrate the
first night of Hanukkah in the brewery tasting room! Bring a
gift card or cash donation for families in need and order special
Hanukkah beers just for the occasion, including Shalomaland
(Pomegranate-Honey Saison) and a cask of Shvarts Hoyz
(Pumpernickel Black House).
The New York On Rye food truck will be on hand to serve latkes,
reubens, knishes, and more deli classics. While you enjoy a
brew and deli treats, make a Hanukkah card to brighten the
holidays for families facing hard times.
Modern Times Beer will donate a portion of the night’s sales
to Jewish Family Service and our holiday gift-giving program,
Embrace-a-Family, which serves more than 500 individuals
and families of all faiths.
Hanukkah games, a menorah lighting, music, and much
more! Be a mensch and come raise a glass for a good cause!
Sponsor: Modern Times Beer