"The Joseph stories, Bereshit 37-50, cover many aspects of the history of the ancient Israelites. It is a brief look back at how the individuals began to emerge as a nation. It is foundational in that it provides us with insight into how our ancestors first sojourned in Egypt with a glimpse into Egyptian life and style. Furthermore it helps us to understand how the ancient Israelites move from nuclear familial clans into a larger community. In this session we will have an overview of these stories and examine the specific character of Joseph from his progression of a self-centered, egotistical teenager, into a responsible perceptive leader and adult. Join us for a lively discussion.
Janice P. Alper, DJRE, has had an extensive career as a Jewish educator and communal worker. She has taught at all levels. In her recent residency here in San Diego her focus has been on working with adults. Currently she leads a monthly study group at Congregation Beth Israel and an annual course for the Osher Adult Lifelong Learning Institute. She has taught in the Melton program in Australia and San Diego. Her primary focus as a teacher of texts is to examine the content from historical, literary and religious perspectives. She likes to engage participants in dialogue and welcomes all opinions and challenges.