
7 2016

JDC Entwine at Flory's Flame, San Diego Jewish Film Festival

10:30AM - 11:30AM  

David and Dorthea Garfield Theater 4126 Executive Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037

Contact Elizabeth Kurtis

Join JDC Entwine in San Diego as we gather for the Jewish Film Festival's showing of Flory’s Flame. The film is a compelling one-hour documentary about the life and music of renowned 90-year old Sephardic composer and performer Flory Jagoda. The documentary interlaces Flory’s personal narrative with selections from her moving September 2013 Celebration Concert at the US Library of Congress. A National Heritage Fellow – the highest honor given by the US to traditional artists – Flory was born in Sarajevo to a musical family whose roots stretched back to Spain for hundreds of years prior to the Jewish expulsion during the Inquisition in 1492. With members living in small Jewish communities in Bosnia over the ensuing centuries, the songs and lyrics of their culture were lovingly passed down relatively intact, ultimately reaching Flory, the only member of her family to survive the Holocaust. Flory has spent her career composing, recording, and performing this music worldwide, which culminated in the sold-out Celebration Concert in September 2013 in the prestigious halls of the US Library of Congress, where she was joined on stage by 25 musicians with whom she has performed over the years.

Hear from City Co Chair, Jessie Bustamante on JDC's work in Bosnia and Spain, with Sephardic communities and by building strength through music all over the world.

Use code: JDCET16 for ANY film to receive discounted ticket prices! https://tickets.lfjcc.org/orderticketsarea.asp?p=2190&a=70&

Sponsor: JDC Entwine