
7 2017

Israeli History Through Comedy with Benji Lovitt

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Congregation Beth El 8660 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037

Contact Dvora Vinick

Gain a rich understanding of Israeli society by viewing and discussing classic movie, TV, and comedy clips with a comedian who has experienced the Israeli way first hand. Tickets: $19 through 3/6/17
$22 at the door
Register at

Ticket price includes: 1 drink ticket and refreshments*

Jews throughout history have laughed to keep from crying. Since making aliyah in 2006, comedian Benji Lovitt has delivered comedic and cultural programs for audiences around the world including campus Hillels, Birthright Israel, and Jewish Federations. His perspectives on life in Israel have been featured in publications such as Time Magazine, USA Today, Huffington Post, and the Times of Israel. Benji works regularly with Jewish organizations to promote Israel.

*Additional drinks available for purchase, cash only.

Sponsor: Congregation Beth El