
12 2015

From Hasidism to Heschel: Modern Jewish Thought from Eastern Europe

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Lawrence Family JCC 4126 Executive Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037

Contact Ilene Tatro

$ Cost $ 160.00

From Hasidism to Heschel: Modern Jewish Thought from Eastern Europe

Instructor: Rabbi Shai Cherry, PhD


Throughout the 20th century, courses in modern Jewish thought focused almost exclusively on legal reforms coming out of 19th-century Germany. Let's shift perspectives and look at the emergence of Hasidism and their opponents - the Mitnagdim; the cultural reforms of Modern Orthodoxy; the curriculum of the Mussar movement(a Jewish ethical, educational and cultural movement that developed in the 19th century ); and the synthetic Zionism of Rav Kook.

About the teacher: Rabbi Shai Cherry, PhD holds a doctorate in Jewish Thought and Theology from Brandeis University (2001) and was subsequently ordained as a Conservative Rabbi by the Ziegler School (2009). Cherry wrote the first user-friendly text book on Jewish biblical commentary: Torah Through Time: Understanding Bible Commentary from the Rabbinic Period to Modern Times and is featured lecturer for The Great Course’s “Introduction to Judaism.”

Price: $160; JCC Member Price $130

Register by Phone or For More Info: Ilene Tatro, 858.362.1154