
14 2017

FREE Taste of Melton

10:00AM - 11:30AM  

Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center 4126 Executive Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037

Contact Jodi Rudick

You don’t have to be Jewish to LOVE Melton. Attend a FREE Taste of Melton and find out what’s behind the buzz. Melton Learning is a fun and open way to learn the basics (and beyond) of Judaism in a pluralistic environment designed for adults at all levels of knowledge and background. Melton classes begin September 14, 2017 at 9:30am or 7:00pm. This sample lecture which will be taught by Rabbi Ralph Dalin is a perfect way to sample the quality and camaraderie of Melton.

10:00am-11:30am @ Lawrence Family JCC
7:00pm-8:30pm @ Congregation Beth Israel