
14 2019

Edible Sukkah Party

3:30PM - 5:00PM  

Carlsbad, CA
760-533-5268 wendym@lfjcc.org

Contact Wendy McCreary

Join Jewish and Interfaith families in Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, and Carlsbad on the first day of Sukkot for an Edible Sukkah Party. There will be a story, Lulav and Etrog shaking, and snack. No prior Sukkot knowledge needed! This event is intended for children ages to 4, older siblings are welcome.

Carlsbad address will be sent out to those who RSVP.

This event is hosted by Wendy McCreary, PJ Library Parent Connector for Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, and Carlsbad.

Sponsor: PJ Library Parent Connector