
3 2016

Dov Waxman - San Diego Jewish Book Fair

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Temple Solel 3575 Manchester Avenue
Cardiff By Sea, CA 92007

Contact Nancy Richards

$ Cost $ 22.00

"Trouble in the Tribe: The American Jewish Conflict over Israel" by Dov Waxman

Israel is often a hot topic in a presidential election and lately it’s become one in America’s Jewish communities, too. Once an easy rallying point, Trouble in the Tribe shows us how many American Jews are no longer all on the same page regarding Israel. While most feel an attachment at an emotional level, newer generations may struggle with support at a policy level putting them in opposition not just with Israeli Jews, but often with their own family members as well. Join the author for bagels and a thoughtful discussion.

Sponsor: San Diego Center for Jewish Culture