Come and enjoy a humanistic Jewish Shabbat service led by Madrikha Beverly Zarnow and then a talk by Gary Zarnow on the topic of Building Bridges of Understanding in Israel. Israeli Jews and Arabs share the same space on a small piece of land called Israel. How these different peoples get along effects the entire world. There has been ongoing conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Jews since the establishment of the Jewish state. Much is reported of the disputes and fighting between them but little is said of the relations of other Israeli Arabs living peacefully among the Jews nor of the many projects initiated by Israelis to promote positive relations and better cultural understanding with Palestinians. In this talk by Gary Zarnow you will learn of programs like Arab-Jewish Youth Orchestra in Tel Aviv, All For Peace Radio, in Ramallah and Soda Stream, a company employing both Arab and Jewish workers in the same West Bank factory and more. There will be a discussion afterward.
Sponsor: Kahal Am, The Humanistic Jewish Community of San Diego