“Beyle” – a documentary short film that explores the life and legacy of Yiddish activist and artist Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman. Beyle’s poems and songs are part of the fabric of postwar Yiddish culture worldwide. Beyle, who was recognized as a Heritage Fellow by the National Endowment for the Arts, had a lasting impact on many Jewish artists and scholars, as well as on her family, many of whom continue speaking, writing, and working in Yiddish to this day.
WHEN: July 29th, 7 p.m.
WHERE: RSVP for the exact location
HOW MUCH: $10 donation encouraged, not required
RSVP: Please email jana@yaaana.com or call 619-719-1776
All ages welcome! You don’t have to know Yiddish to attend this event!