
1 2014

Secular Spirituality, Passionate Journey to a Rational Judaism

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

North University Library 8820 Judicial Dr.

Contact Gary Zarnow

This month Kahal Am begins an exciting new series on Secular Spirituality, Passionate Journey to a Rational Judaism. Videotaped portions of a 2001 Colloquium of the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism will be shown and discussed. The first class is entitled, 'Rethinking Traditional Spirituality,' and features Dan Cohn-Sherbok professor of Judaism at the University of Wales, Lampeter. Dr. Cohn-Sherbok was ordained a Reform rabbi at the Hebrew Union Institute-Jewish Institute of Religion, where he received a doctorate in divinity. He has served congregations in Alabama, Illinois, and Pennsylvania, as well as in South Africa, and Australia. He received a doctorate in philosophy from Cambridge and taught Jewish theology at the University of Kent, Canterbury. He is the author and editor of more than fifty books, including: The Jewish Heritage, The Jewish Faith, The Future of Judaism, Understanding the Holocaust , Islam in a World of Diverse Faiths, and is the editor of the book, Life of Courage: Sherwin Wine and the Humanistic Judaism. Admission is free and no text is required. For more information call Gary Zarnow, 858-549-3088