
29 2014

American Technion Society Lecture

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

San Diego Jewish Academy - Ulam 11860 Carmel Creek Rd.
CA 92130
858-750-2135 mgreenberg@ats.org

Contact Mark Greenberg

Event link: http://www.ats.org/site/Calendar?view=Detail&id=102081 Prof. Ayelet Fishman is an associate professor in the Technion Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering. Since joining the faculty in 2005, her research interests have centered on the structure-function relationship of enzymes, and protein engineering techniques that modify enzymes to render them more useful for industrial use. Dr. Fishman leads undergraduate instruction and lab studies in food chemistry and analysis, and in applied biocatalysis. She designed and redesigned several courses in the program. Her love of and affinity for teaching is extended through volunteer lectures in biotechnology for high school students, and in food chemistry for high school chemistry teachers. She also served as a voluntary lecturer and tutor with TAMI-IMI’s high school student “adoption” program, which aims to encourage interest in science and technology among children, especially girls. Dr. Fishman earned her bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in biotechnology and food engineering from the Technion. She was also a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Connecticut. Presently she is a visiting professor at the Department of Food Science at the University of California, Davis. Coffee and Dessert No charge - No solicitation To register for the event contact: Mark Greenberg, San Diego Chapter Director at mgreenberg@ats.org