
6 2019

49,172: The Rescue of Bulgaria's Jews - with Atanas Kolev

5:00PM - 7:00PM  

UC San Diego Library Geisel Library
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093

Contact Susanne Hillman

The fate of Bulgarian Jewry during World War II is one of the few uplifting stories associated with the Holocaust. Because of the intervention of a handful of courageous individuals including King Boris III, exarch Stefan, and metropolitan Kiril, Bulgaria’s Jewish minority escaped extermination on the hands of the Nazis and their collaborators. In this documentary a team of US-based Bulgarian filmmakers combines the perspective of the 49,172 men, women, and children whose life was imperiled by the threat of deportation and death and the people who refused to submit to the genocidal agenda of the Axis powers. Drawing on private and public archives in the US, Israel, and Bulgaria, the film depicts a mosaic of faces and stories woven together by the courage and resourcefulness of individuals in both powerful and powerless positions. The screening will be followed by a conversation with producer Atanas Kolev.

Sponsor: Holocaust Living History Workshop (UC San Diego Library and Jewish Studies)