Jewish Community News

News from across San Diego's Jewish Community

Emergency Fund Update: Lawrence Family JCC

This past March, we were struck by the crushing impact of COVID-19. The San Diego Jewish Community COVID-19 Emergency Fund was established to respond to the most immediate needs. To date, more than 370 donors have come together to contribute a collective $2.3 million to support our …

High Holiday Resources

Communities are grappling with how to celebrate the High Holiday season this year. We know that each organization has carefully considered questions about scenario-planning, creating community at a distance, how to best use technology, and what meaningful experiences look like. To all those …

Teen Global Partnership Program Goes Virtual

After months of preparation, select high school teens from San Diego, CA; Sofia, Bulgaria; St. Petersburg, Russia; and Sha'ar HaNegev, Israel, participated in the first-ever virtual Global Partnership Program, a collaborative effort between the Jewish Federation of San Diego County and the San D…

Today's Teens Are Tomorrow's Jewish Philanthropists

The Jewish Teen Foundation (JTF) launches its seventh cohort starting in the fall semester. We would love your help recruiting high schoolers for this amazing, and fully Covid-flexible, growth opportunity for students. With so much rapid change, this important program ensures that we continu…

Welcome Amy Mendelsohn

We are excited to announce our most recent hire, Amy Mendelsohn, Director, Community Planning.  
Born in Los Angeles, Amy’s close-knit family has a strong Jewish background and identity. All four of Amy’s grandparents are Survivors, and they came to this country committed to offering…