A group of accomplished young professionals has been selected to participate in the inaugural San Diego Jewish Advocates Fellowship. The cohort of 10 includes attorneys, an engineer, a health care administrator and Jewish communal professionals. They will enhance their leadership capabilities, strengthen knowledge of advocacy and the legislative process, learn how to effectively frame and deploy a message, build relationships with state elected officials from the San Diego delegation and within the Jewish Caucus, become an issue expert on a topic selected by the cohort, and deepen connections to community leaders and like-minded peers.
Created and facilitated by the Jewish Community Foundation, Jewish Community Relations Council, Jewish Family Service, Leichtag Foundation and NextGen, the program is five sessions long including a trip to Sacramento to lobby on the selected issue and work in partnership with the Jewish Caucus chaired by Senator Block. Pre-trip training will include topics of advocacy and philanthropy. Post-trip work will include a debrief and opportunities for local engagement.

Read future news updates for reports on each of our sessions including the participation of our community partner ADL and others.
For additional information please contact Linda Feldman, JCRC Director at lindaf@jewishfederationsandiego.org
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