Madison Pope, (front, wearing a white shirt), is a USD alumnus who participated in the San Diego Jewish Federation’s Community Birthright Summer 2018 trip.
Hi. My name is Madison Pope and I’m a USD alumnus, now working at Voices for Children. I recently returned from an experience of a lifetime thanks to the San Diego Jewish Federation’s Community Birthright trip.
My Birthright tour was the trip of a lifetime for everyone involved – the relationships we built among participants, the incredible sights we visited, and the cultural knowledge we learned made it an experience incomparable to any other.
Having my Bat Mitzvah in front of the Western Wall in Jerusalem was definitely a highlight for me. After visiting the Old City of David in the morning, participants who had not had a Bar or Bat Mitzvah were invited to do so at an overlook in front of the Western Wall. Twenty people from my group chose to take part in the ceremony.
Our guide began by talking about what the city of Jerusalem means to the Jewish people, as well as what it means to become a Bat Mitzvah. The 20 participants each came up to the makeshift bimah, one by one, to talk about why this experience was important to them. It was so moving to be standing at this ancient site, listening to why each person had made this decision, and what this ceremony meant to each of them.
I was able to talk about how I never felt “Jewish enough” before this trip and how being on Birthright really helped me develop my sense of Jewish identity. I also shared about the connection I felt with each and every person on my trip, and thanked them for being part of my uniquely Jewish and Israel experience. The support I felt from the entire group was incredible. Once we finished, those who heard our stories tossed candy at us. We all danced around in a circle singing out loud with joy. It is a memory that will last a lifetime.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to explore my Jewish culture and connect with people who I now consider family.
Madison is 1 of 350 young adults that Federation has supported on their journey to Israel since May. We are committed to strengthening their relationship with Israel, their Jewish identity, and the local Jewish community. YOUR support made this experience possible.
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