the Interfaith Coordinator provides coordination and oversight for culturally responsive programs and services which promote educational access and success of all students at San Diego State University from diverse cultures and faiths. The incumbent plans, develops, implements, and assesses various programs and events that provide unique opportunities for dialogue and engagement in order to build interfaith/intergroup relations on campus and create ties between and among students and the rest of the campus community. In coordination with campus partners, the incumbent provides academic and personal guidance to students, builds a network of appropriate, relevant resources for student academic success, develops, and coordinates student programs, and seeks to positively impact the overall campus climate for students on campus.
Specifically, the Interfaith Coordinator provides activities and events in a targeted manner, which constitute high-quality, high-impact student experiences, with the goal of advancing educational equity and inclusion for students, while recognizing the diverse realities and complexities that comprise student identities in San Diego, in the U.S. and in the global context – inclusive of culture, religion, politics, and nationality. The incumbent also serves as a first responder to assist and support students who report bias incidents as a result of their cultural, ethnic, or religious identity, as well as make appropriate referrals to relevant resources on campus, serve as an advisory in navigating campus processes/procedures, and recommend actions for institutional/systemic change as warranted, based on patterns in student reporting.
The incumbent will also develop, implement, and evaluate best practices and programming for serving and supporting SDSU students through a lens of inclusive intercultural and interfaith student services and student development theory and practice. These efforts will be achieved through careful coordination and strategic partnerships with the broader Student Affairs & Campus Diversity Unit, relevant community-based organizations, Antisemitism Taskforce, Islamophobia Taskforce, and various student organizations. The person in this role will serve on the Center for Intercultural Relations team and support programs, events, and initiatives in the CIR.
Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree Required and 3-5 years of experience.